The Rough Draft

If you can't go through it. Go around it.

…Is not always the best thing that can happen to you.  Success depends on a large number of factors, most of which are completely out of your control.  Now I’m not one of those guys who’s super precious about my words.  It’s a little irritating if you don’t follow my script but more in a, “I put a lot of thought into that,” sort of way.  Believe it or not, it’s an intricate process.  Some of these lines, I write now, will pay off later.  Of course, because you shoot a film in bits and pieces, it’s not readily apparent on the day.  Never mind that you’re supposed to have read the whole thing cover to cover a few times.

So there’s that and the fact that Set is really boring and it’s very hard to get any idea of how much you are accomplishing.  Couple that with the fact that nobody knows you’re the writer (you look just like another PA) and it ends up being sort of depressing.

So is the film going well?  I’ve no idea.  I’ll let you know in another month, when I’ve seen the assembly cut.

2 thoughts on “Getting a Film made…

  1. Brad Stewart says:

    Hey Steve, I can only imagine. Keep one eye on the paycheck and the other on a glass of scotch and everything will be alright!
    Looking forward to more.


  2. sabot03196 says:

    Heh, at least on this one, the money is already in the bank.


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